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Compcare K.Bhuvaneswari, CEO
Compcare Software Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Since 1992 



Work – A Kind of Meditation

Her motivation comes from within. Her focus is on how much she can contribute, and how far she can run. This has inspired Bhuvaneswari to venture into new areas every time, and achieve success in each of them.

From a young age, Bhuvaneswari has required only four hours of sleep. Even when in college, she would be up, writing essays, short stories and poems that have been published in various leading publications.

Inspired and encouraged by her parents, Bhuvaneswari was among the first batch to join computers at the master’s level. “My inspirations are Isaac Newton, Sir CV Raman, Ramanujam on the one hand, and leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Nehru and Indira Gandhi on the other,” says Bhuvaneswari. Her deepest desire was to have inventions named after her.

Her deep passion for creativity and her aversion for routine jobs were evident to her parents, and with their blessings and support, she set up Compcare Software in 1992. Her younger brother and sister also pursued degrees in computer science to help her expand.

Strengthening roots

Bhuvaneswari – who fashioned her name as Compcare Bhuvaneswari – started developing software for banks and then expanded to address a variety of segments including schools, colleges, accounting, horoscope generation, among others. Initially it was a one-(wo)man show, but soon she hired professionals as orders expanded.

She also started writing computer books in Tamil and published several articles in Tamil magazines on topics related to computers. She also started her own publishing division for her books, which are now used in universities and colleges across the state.

But her thirst for challenges was not quenched yet. She was fascinated by multimedia, which gave her an opportunity to combine her technical skills with her creativity. Compcare entered the field and has developed several multimedia CDs. She cut production costs by becoming personally involved in all aspects, thus bringing down the cost of the CD from the standard Rs 300-400 in 1994-95 to Rs 100. From animation for children to spiritual topics for adults and education related content, she generated a wide range of products that helped her expand her reach.

Having toyed with the multimedia, her next venture was short films and documentaries. Her first documentary was on her parents who had given her so much support and guidance all along. They were employed in the telecom sector, and had managed work and home smoothly – becoming role models for their children. The documentary won accolades for the theme and presentation, and soon Compcare started doing documentaries on education and career opportunities since 2004.

Giving back to society

While her company has grown tremendously, Bhuvaneswari is aware of her responsibilities towards the society. She started a Sripadmakrish Trust in the name of her parents to help the needy.

The Trust helps needy children and honours achievers every year.

Compcare also conducts workshops for women, children, special children, teachers, artists and many more to help them deal with issues specific to them.

Surging ahead

Her undying enthusiasm, her need for creativity and her readiness to face challenges have helped Bhuvaneswari reach where she is today. “I feel there are no defeats, they are smaller victories, an opportunity to learn,” she says with characteristic optimism. She has not only ensured personal growth through her venture, but also takes her employees along, suitably rewarding them and recognising their contribution to her growth.

She is also aware that no individual is an island and that the society contributes to his or her growth. Challenges are inevitable, and it is only how we handle them that makes the difference. She chooses to face them, accept them, learn from them, and move on. One must remain focused and not be distracted if one wants to be successful, she stresses. Her dream is to run a women’s only company, but feels that women should become more professional and be focused on work.

Where she is concerned, she has never worried about competition, never worried about her gender. Work, in the truest sense, is worship for her.

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Compcare K. Bhuvaneswari
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