‘Aha Oho Ai [3] – Mixed Bag EMagazine – December 2024

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Difference between Robot and Avatar

A robot and an avatar are different in the following ways.

A robot is a device that operates through AI software technology. Robots can work autonomously using the software programmed inside them or be controlled remotely using devices like remotes, joysticks, or a mouse.

Robots can be designed in the shape of a human or in any other form. In simple terms, a robot is a device that has a physical form and can be seen and touched.

In the real world, robots are used to assist us in various tasks like household chores, farming, serving in restaurants, carrying loads, cleaning waste, helping disabled individuals, and even assisting in climbing stairs. Robots are also made in smaller forms, such as robotic vacuum cleaners, or even tiny robots to assist in medical treatments. Robots are continuously being developed in various shapes to perform different tasks.

On the other hand, an avatar is a digital form. Both robots and avatars are powered by AI software. Avatars are digital representations, created as photos, paintings, cartoons, or other forms, and they exist in virtual worlds. For example, avatars are used to make photos talk or create 3D digital characters to read news on television.

In the online world, avatars are used by teachers for virtual classes, where students can choose their preferred avatar to interact with. This practice of using avatars in education is becoming popular, especially in countries where students can choose their preferred teacher based on their avatar’s appearance or style.

Avatars are being used to make tasks easier and to create colorful, engaging virtual environments. With the advent of Metaverse technology, avatars will become our representatives in virtual worlds, much like how we use usernames and passwords to access websites. In the future, our avatars will represent us in these virtual worlds.

Whether it’s a robot or an avatar, both are powered by AI software. The key difference is that robots have a physical body, while avatars exist digitally. Both require input (data) to function, which allows the AI software to control them.

Recently, Elon Musk’s company Neuralink has developed a technology that places a chip in the human brain to stimulate brain activity. This technology could help people with autism or mental health issues. The chip could allow individuals to control devices like computers or mobiles just by thinking, which could be beneficial for blind people as well. Furthermore, those who have artificial body parts can control them through the chip using Bluetooth, activating the body parts by thought alone.

In today’s world, these groundbreaking discoveries in AI and brain technology are possible, which is truly amazing. You might wonder if AI technology existed during World War II under Hitler’s rule. Believe it or not, it did! The full story will be shared next month.

ComPcare K. Bhuvaneswari, Founder
Compcare Software, Chennai
December 7, 2024 | Saturday

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